Robin (a poem)

Pentru varianta tradusa a textului si alte texte neintroduse aici, acceseaza blogul in limba romana, Click aici pentru acces direct la postare. I was talking with a friend about the moments of claustrophobia she experiences during her exam preparation for medicine`s residency (usually around 6 months of full on studying). Locked in the house, … Continue reading Robin (a poem)

The antidepressant. (a slightly over the top rendition of the monster in all of us)

Pentru varianta tradusa a textului si alte texte neintroduse aici, acceseaza blogul in limba romana, Click aici pentru acces direct la postare. Lately, I have been put face to face with a lot of friends suffering from depression. This text is a bit old, from 2015, but this represents my version of the invisible … Continue reading The antidepressant. (a slightly over the top rendition of the monster in all of us)

2. Egypt: Gods, graves and scholars

The first time I found out about Egypt my mind was blown away. Yes, I`ve known for as long as I remember the typical representations of this child-friendly, easily identifiable country: the school stories, the Jewish nation enslaved and escaping the captivity, the cartoon pharaohs, the endless deserts and myths of curses, the rivers of … Continue reading 2. Egypt: Gods, graves and scholars

Full stop. (aka I wrote a short story)

Pentru varianta tradusa a textului si alte texte neintroduse aici, acceseaza blogul in limba romana, Click aici pentru acces direct la postare. In the distance, a palm above the horizon line, on the winding path between a thousand rice fields, two characters were making way towards the city`s train station. The time was late, … Continue reading Full stop. (aka I wrote a short story)